Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where is your heart?

Dear March Team/Family,
It has been a week and a day since we've returned from Sierra Leone and from facebook postings I think we are all having similar feelings...WE MISS THE KIDS TERRIBLY! How great is our God to allow us to make instant connections with the kids and to have them nest in our hearts so quickly. I think it would be a testament to the Lord's workings if we all shared what the trip meant to us, how wer were changed, what we are doing with the "missing" since you've returned or just share anything you feel led to. We have all become close enough to share our true hearts.
For me I can't get Isatu off of my mind. My heart aches when I think of her. I know I was so fearful it would take me time to connect with the girls, but I asked God to work that out since we were on limited time and boy did He answer my prayers. Isatu and I fit together like a ball and glove. Teh girl would organize my stuff everyday(a young lady after my own heart :)It just felt good/right to have her near me. It usually takes me a while to warm up to people, but NOT with her. Not being able to talk to her or be with her is so heartbreaking, so I'm praying for her everytime she comes to mind, which is very often.
I love knowing that right now in Sierra Leone, Africa, Wellington Orphanage we know kids and adults alike are praising and loving Jesus, boy does that comfort my heart.
Surprises for me -The things I thought would be hard or matter just fell by the wayside. It all just worked out... Praise God, He is so good!!!
I loved growing closer to y'all as well. Being so likeminded and loving the kids with the spirit of Christ I feel like you all will be a part of me forever. I shared a lifechanging experience with each of you and I can't think about the amazing kids or Sierra Leone without thinking of each of you.
I know we would all like to hear each others stories so please take some time to share your heart with us.
I love each of you so much,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Requests

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16, 17

In just a few short days, we'll be gone to Africa! How are you feeling...excited, nervous, scared, expectant, unsure, overwhelmed, elated?

If you have a need that you really want someone to be praying for this week and while we are away, (We'll have a few people check this site for prayer requests, as they have committed to pray for us over the duration of our trip.), please share below.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love You Tender

I remember as a little girl listening to the song Love Me Tender by Elvis over and over again, just like it was the sweetest of lullabies. It brought me peace and made me dream of a love that I longed to know. Though I am blessed to share deeply loving relationships here on earth, I have found that the most tender love comes from the Author of Love, the Maker and Keeper of my soul. He loves purely, through and through.

"The Lord appeared to him from afar saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have drawn you with loving-kindness.'"

His love changed me long ago, and I pray that it keeps changing me the more I come to know Him daily. As I think back to specific times I've prayed to love Him more or experience more of the knowledge of His love, I kind of have to laugh, because He has taught me through unlikely circumstances. Very often, He will put me to work or present me with a choice to exercise allowing His love to flow through me, even when I don't think it's a fair situation, personally. When I choose to surrender, I soak up a little more of His love. It's not that His love is changing in measure, for He is always consistent, but my capacity in the willingness to give and receive is the barometer.

For me, Africa is an exercise in love, and I don't know what that looks like right here, right now. I know I talked about vision in the last blog, and I am searching for more there than what I mentioned; but I am hearing the word love. Can I tell you how scary that is for me at this point of my life? I am beyond tired and weary from painful life issues where love has been broken, tested and redefined, and I feel empty inside way too often. Even still, He comes with His abundant supply of all that I need and fills me.

That's what I am counting on for Africa--an outpouring of more of Himself, no agenda, but just to experience the Tenderest of Loves by loving tenderly, which will only happen, really, by truly surrendering unto Him my worn out soul for the filling. He Who calls me (us) is faithful, and He will do it! (1 Thes. 5:24)

I'm wondering if there are any extra special ways that you intentionally show your love for God? Is there anything He has called upon you to do specifically to demonstrate His love to someone else? In addition to what's been shared, how do you want to express your love to the kids at Wellington? And, how has the Lord shown His great love for you lately?

Just a few questions...answer all/answer one/ answer none...but I'm praying that we all dive deeper into His love today, as we travel to Africa, and forevermore.
Jen M.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can You See?

"Where there is no vision, the people persish.."
Proverbs 29:18a

I was on the elliptical at the gym today, and my mind was all over Africa. (I tell you this, because normally at the gym I am thinking, "How much longer?" Today, though, God was obviously interrupting my normal mental workout process with more important stuff!) Instantly, the above verse popped into my head. The King James version of the Bible uses the word vision, but the NASB and the NIV translate it as revelation. The original Greek word is hazon, which means a message from God with a possible focus on the visual aspects of the message He has laid upon your heart.

As we prepare to go many miles across the sky and sea to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it's important that we ask the Lord for a vision or revelation, corporately and individually. I sense Him prompting me to ask Him for a specific vision, and I also encourage you to sit for a while in quietness-- praising Him, beholding His presence, and asking Him for a vision, too. When we move forward with that new revelation, it helps us to focus in prayer. It also can greatly build our faith, because when we get there in the middle of it all--we will see Him and how deliberately and personally He was moving us along to accomplish His purpose. And, ultimately, He will be glorified, as we stand amazed once again at His greatness!

So, what or who do you see? Feel free to share if you are led or maybe the Lord just wants you to keep that between you and Him, for now. He's just that way sometimes. As for me, I need to purpose to sit still, which can be a ridiculous challenge, but I'll let you know what transpires. I know that I see sweet smiles on dark faces and me sitting on a step with another in conversation, an embrace...but I think there's something more. I think I'll keep asking and reaching.

"The secret of the Lord is with those fear Him; and He will make them know His covenant."
Psalm 25:14

Love to you all~
(Jen Maddox)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm the type that has to have ideas down on paper to wrap my brain around them so I'm going to write some things out that we discussed at the last meeting and open it up so that everyone can add in their thoughts for the teaching time with the girls and items to take. We are still not sure if we're only teaching the Wellington girls or the whole school. Chris any news on that?
Teaching Ideas:
1.What God thinks of woman from a biblical perspective using scripture and female biblical examples bringing in the theme of value.
2.Teaching them Bible Study methods.
3.Have the girls draw one of the fruits of the spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness or a virtue from the verse Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience and then they have to focus on that fruit or virtue that day and share in the next group time what the Lord taught them through that focus.

Things people said they are taking or want to take:
Shanna mentioned journals
Lora and Presli Sports Bras
Many or all of us feminine protection
Nail polish?
The flat iron was a hit with the girls when Wendy went last month so I am for sure bringing mine

Ok, let's see those ideas roll out on your blog. I know we have amazing ideas that will love the girls well and glorify the God of the Universe who has gone before us and prepared the way.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Makes You Tick?

I'm the one on one type. My friends tell me I have a non-existent small talk tank. I love knowing someone's story because I feel I get to know them through their life experiences. I know these kids at Wellington Orphanage have stories that are beyond what I can even imagine. Some will want to share and some will not, but my heart and ears will be ready for whatever they want to share with me. I feel I have this love in my heart ready to pour out onto these amazing beautiful lovely girls. I'm going to Sierra Leone to love and to teach them that perfect love only comes from Jesus (and do whatever the Holy Spirit prompts me to do while I'm there.)
Another thing that is important to me is that we are connected as a team. I think if we know each other as well as we can over the next few weeks it will help us work well together and for the kids. I can't wait to get to know each of you on a deeper level, what makes you tick, what gets on your nerves, what might scare you about this trip and what totally lights your fire.
My fear...roach bites. Lights my fire...giving my heart away to the kids.


Here We Go!

Ok team, we are just shy of a month away from being on a plane that's headed for Sierra Leone, Africa! Our desire for the team is that the Lord would prepare our hearts by uniting us in the process as we share with one another in simple ways, whether it be little things about ourselves, thoughts about the upcoming trip, something special that the Lord has laid upon our hearts, a passage of Scripture, prayer requests, etc.

Praying for another person is one of the sweetest, most meaningful ways to connect with someone; a few of my most treasured friendships have been seeded and sustained through prayer across many miles for many years. So, bring on your prayer needs and praises, and we will be lifting them up to the One Who is intently waiting and listening. In addition, it would be really cool to have specific verse(s) that we commit to be praying together over the that kids we will be meeting in just a few weeks.

We will try to give you daily promptings to spark conversation or insight. Please know that this blog--this space--is all yours. The Lord has selected you to be a part of this amazing journey. What a privilege it is to join Him where He is already at work, and how wonderful it is to be co-laborers with Him..and with you! May He be glorified!